Meant to post this sooner, but I was waiting for the right photos to add. Last week at Great Falls, we spotted a couple of Common Mergansers (a life bird for me), but I didn't get terrific views, at least not enough to satisfy my curiosity. I'm happy to say, though, that we saw some Common Mergansers today, and this time I was able to snap some photos for further study. (I'm confident now that I saw the same species last week.) At one point, a male Mallard floated in next to the Mergansers. It was a good ol' fashioned pose off. Gorgeous birds, both of them!
We also saw loads of Yellow-rumped Warblers, both kinglet species, and some thirsty Cedar Waxwings. Combined with the juvenile Eagles, Brown Creepers, and multiple Pileateds, it was a pretty spectacular day.
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