Saturday, November 23, 2013
First Green-winged Teal and Northern Pintail
Friday, November 22, 2013
First Ring-necked Ducks
Something else of note: a male and female Mallard were copulating in the middle of the pond. Guess the warm weather has us all feeling a little frisky...
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Dead Great Blue Heron
Birded Burke Lake this morning with the NVBC. Results were variable but it wouldn't have mattered to me if we'd only seen an empty lake... it was just that beautiful today. We did manage to see a gorgeous White-crowned Sparrow, Brown Creeper, Red-shouldered Hawk, Common Loon, and Bonaparte's Gulls. But the most news-worthy sighting was a dead Great Blue Heron hanging in the trees across the lake (on the island where the rookery is). It was a hauntingly sad discovery, and as much as I didn't want to look or take pics, it seemed a good idea to record the moment.
After lunch, I joined Donald Sweig and Ralph Wall for some Riverbend Park birding. We were mostly on the lookout for ducks (and the recently-reported Goldeneye!), and though the Goldeneye and Surf Scoter were nowhere to be found, we were still quite pleased with the results. Ruddy Duck, Gadwall, Pied-billed Grebe, Horned Grebe, Mallard, Black Duck, and a bounty of Buffleheads entertained us for 2 full hours. Perhaps the most extraordinary viewing of the day, though, was the male Hooded Merganser. I'd seen Hooded Mergansers before, but they were either juveniles or females. So today's male was a real treat for me. Thanks to both Donald and Ralph for letting me hog their scopes!
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Merlin @ Great Falls? Yep!
The weather was warm but overcast, so the birding was slow going at Great Falls this morning. As we were finishing up the walk, though, the group spotted a bird across the Potomac that looked awfully falcon-ish. After views through scopes from different angles, and after scanning no less than three field guides (print and mobile), we determined it was a Merlin! A rare bird indeed for Great Falls, it was also a life bird for me. And even though it was a long distance away from shore, it was nice to be able to watch it preening--which is to say, sunbathing rather than flying by overhead at light-speed as they're wont to do. (Please excuse the lighting of the photos: long distance + gray day does not a good photo make.)
Friday, November 15, 2013
Surf Scoter at Riverbend Park
Thanks to a tip from Donald Sweig, I paid a visit to Riverbend Park this morning in hopes of finding a Surf Scoter. Within 5 minutes of my arrival, I found the Scoter after scanning a large group of Buffleheads. (The Scoter is in the foreground of the above picture.) I was lucky to have prolonged views, too, including moments of preening, moments in flight, and moments of direct interaction with the Buffleheads.
Among the other spectacles at Riverbend this morning: (Mute?) Swan, Lincoln's Sparrow, Winter Wren, two Belted Kingfishers, a vocalizing pair of Bald Eagles, and over 50 White-throated Sparrows.
After Riverbend, I stopped by Lake Fairfax to spend some time on the water. Among the many Canada Geese, the Bar-headed Goose was easily visible, as was a lone Snow Goose. Saw a couple of Hooded Mergansers take flight and then spend time near each other just cruising the lake. Also lucked into two Killdeer patrolling the shore near the bridge.
As I made my way up to the soccer fields, I found a Hermit Thrush, Eastern Towhees, White-throated and White-crowned Sparrows (as well as Song, Field, Swamp and Chipping), Dark-eyed Juncos, Golden-crowned Kinglets, and Carolina Wrens galore.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Red-shouldered Pals
Joined Bill Brown, Joe Coleman, and others for a midweek walk in Loudon County. Our first stop was at Lyndora Park in Ashburn. As expected, things were sparrowy, with a smattering of other usual suspects. A nice treat for me were the Killdeer on the soccer pitch. As they grazed in the sunshine, a large man in a large tractor plowed the field. The Killdeer barely blinked.
After a couple of hours at Lyndora, we drove over to Broadlands Wetlands, whereupon we spotted two Red-shouldered Hawks perched in a tree across from the Harris Teeter parking lot. And, as Bill mentioned in his VA-Bird posting, three of us stuck around just long enough to see a group of Killdeer and Wilson's Snipes take flight. An excellent conclusion to a lovely morning.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Barred Owl (finally!) @ Great Falls
By the time I sprinted the 200 yards up the trail, all the while panicked that the owl would take off before I could get to him, I was overwhelmed by adrenaline and anxiety. And for the first 4 or 5 photos, I couldn't keep my trembling hands still enough to get a decent shot. (As it was, the shots I managed to get aren't great, but they'll do the job.) But as was our good fortune, the owl was in no hurry to part ways. He simply acknowledged us, closed his eyes, and continued basking in the sun.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
King Rail, Snipe, and Other Firsts
We proceeded to the bay in hopes of a waterfowl show, and boy did we get one. One of the first things we noticed was 4 Bald Eagles patrolling the waters, periodically swooping down in hopes of picking off some ducks. The most noticeable prey were the Ruddy Ducks (another life bird), but American Coots (yet another life bird) and Mallards were also targeted.
Someone spotted a silhouetted Horned Grebe in the distance, though I wouldn't have counted it for my own life list had Elton not managed to give me a clearer shot through the scope some minutes later. Sure enough, though, the Horned Grebe was in full view, the red eye as clear as day. In the same vicinity, we had views of two Bonaparte's Gulls, life bird #6 on the day!
But... despite these great results, the highlight of the day for me was the discovery of two Bald Eagles perched together in a tree. We all had relatively prolonged views of these two magical creatures before each went its separate way. I'll just let the photos do the rest.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Greater Yellowlegs (and other surprises)
We kicked things off with some beach birding and quickly spotted both Common and Red-throated Loons. A couple of Dunlins flew nearby, with a Northern Gannet not far behind. Within 10 minutes, I'd picked up 4 life birds!
We moved on to a lookout on the east side of the park, managing to spot a couple of Greater Yellowlegs in a pool of water near the parking lot. At the top of the lookout, we put the scope on a solitary Purple Sandpiper standing on a rock, seemingly wholly uninterested in testing the frigid waters. Two more tics on the life bird list!
Moving northward to a walking path leading to a boardwalk, we spotted two Buffleheads gliding slowly through the reeds. They were nice enough to do a couple of loops, so we had extended and crystal clear looks. One more life bird!
But that wasn't all. Not by a long shot. When we reached the end of the boardwalk and began tallying the list for the day's walk, the leader commented that we just needed one more species to reach 40. Almost instantaneously, one of the group members squawked, "Long-eared Owl!" Immediately, frenzy took hold of the group, folks scrambling for scopes and cameras, with nearly half the group of 20 announcing, "life bird!"
The owl was in clear view, albeit a long way (200 meters) from the boardwalk. But despite the unobstructed views, consensus was tough to reach, and after 20 full minutes of wavering, negotiating, pleading, praying, and bargaining, we decided the owl was in fact a Short-eared Owl. A magnificent bird nevertheless, and certainly quite rare in that area, but a Long-eared it was not.
For me, though, it was life bird #8 on the day. A terrific result for a terrifically beautiful beach. And I'll always remember that boardwalk and that owl. Always.
Friday, November 1, 2013
Thanks to the kind folks at Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary in Easthampton, MA, I was able to pick up my 150th species: Dark-eyed Junco. I know they're trickling into our area now, but this was a chance to get 1) a preview and 2) a little New England birding under my belt. (And I don't mind admitting I still have no idea how to tell a Black-capped from a Carolina Chickadee.)
A very experienced birder at Arcadia pointed me to the exact location where I could expect to find the Dark-eyeds, and sure enough, there were a dozen right in front of me. Buffed up and squinty-eyed, the Dark-eyeds were more concerned with the strong wind than with my presence, so I got a long look at them. I didn't have the camera with me, though, so I'm including this painting from Crista Forest.
A very experienced birder at Arcadia pointed me to the exact location where I could expect to find the Dark-eyeds, and sure enough, there were a dozen right in front of me. Buffed up and squinty-eyed, the Dark-eyeds were more concerned with the strong wind than with my presence, so I got a long look at them. I didn't have the camera with me, though, so I'm including this painting from Crista Forest.
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